Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Here's What I Ate Today

because you care.

For breakfast I had my usual coffee and then I made a recipe from one of my favorite mags, Clean Eating. . .Pumpkin Pie Oatmeal! It was pretty tasty and very filling. I had it around 9am and it held me over nicely til 12:30. Sweet.

Between going to Whole Foods and lunch, I had a bottle of Sublime Mate and a handful of Annie's Chocolate Chip Bunny graham crackers.

For lunch I had a big lettuce salad with shrimp, avocado and a little bit of sesame oil. Sounds weird, but it tasted good. I was basing this off another recipe I have, but lacked some of the ingredients. . .hence, improvisation, haha.

When I got home from riding I needed a pick-me-up (Dandy was NOT a good boy today) so I had a whole wheat bagel with Nutella and peanut butter. Choice of champions!

Finally, for dinner I had another improvised recipe. . .sauteed tempeh, spinach and yellow squash with olive oil, tamari, chopped garlic and black pepper. I wrapped it all up in 2 whole wheat tortillas and it was quite good, if I say so myself. For dessert later I'll probably have some 0% fat greek yogurt with stuff in it. I pretty much throw together whatever I have to make something edible, lol.

Okay, now off to get my WoW character to level 30 so I can FINALLY get a mount!


  1. I'm drooling! YUM!
    Today I ate like, yogurt, soup, sandwich, veggies and fruit. Your meals sound wayyyy more interesting!
    And I love Pumpkin Pie Oatmeal!!

  2. Sounds tasty, but I ate a cheese burger for dinner! It was awesome with cheese and lettuce and mustard and ketchup... ok you win, yours was more interesting. :-)

  3. And BTW, I'm lvl 30 Priest and I got 3 (count 'em) a whooping 3 ponies to ride whenever I like!!! Woot!!! They don't have names yet but I'm considering "My", "Little", and "Pony".

  4. Kristin - Haha, believe me, most of my days are not that interesting, hence why I decided to post this one. :p

    Kyle - I'm only jealous about the cheeseburger if it was a bison cheeseburger. I don't even like red meat but I went to this place that serves bison burgers a few weeks ago and it was SO GOOD. Highly recommended.
    Oh, and I *am* jealous over being lvl 30 and having THREE mounts! How'd you finagle that?? lol
