Sunday, March 29, 2009


I'm addicted to stuffed sheep.

First was Sheepy, who currently graces my icon picture over there. Then Travis bought me Wooly, a slightly smaller sheep and then the other day at Target they had even *smaller* stuffed sheep, so of course I had to buy one because they were too fricken cute. Its name might just be Baby because it's small and adorable, haha.

Um, anyway. . .lol.

Travis and I might go see real baby sheep at the URI farm today. It's raining out, so hopefully they'll all be in the barn. It's pretty much a tradition for me to stop by and see the lambs once a year or so. Livestock makes me happy. ^__^

Things have been going alright. I've gotten a few runs in and my stamina is coming back nicely. I'm not making any particular goals for myself this year (like all the past years I tried "training" for a 5k. . .never quite happened, lol), just to keep running at least a few times a week. I think I am even going to go buy a new pair of running sneakers on Tuesday because the ones I've been using are *years* old and quite dead by now. I gotta do some research first though, because I want a pair that's good on roads *and* trails, since I enjoy both types of running.

Also this Tuesday. . .I really gotta decide what I want to do regarding riding more than once a week. It's an absolute fact that I can't afford 2 lessons outright, but as there's already quite a few people that work off some of their board/lesson fees, I don't know if they'd be open to one more. All I know is that riding once a week is not enough. I'd be there every day if I could, lol. Oi, maybe I need to start playing Powerball. :p

That's all for now. See most of you soon, I'm sure.

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