Friday, January 23, 2009

Please Press Reset

That's kinda how I feel right now. Like I wish there was a reset button for my life when I can feel that maybe, here and there, I'm starting to slip. Easier said than done though.

I'm getting more nervous about my various aches and pains, which I'm not 100% sure anymore are being caused by my pinched nerve. I've been eating like crap recently, lots of empty carbs and coffee and sugary stuff. I've had next to no vegetables for days now, which is awful. It's just so hard to motivate myself right now. . .I mean, I bought stuff to make several good meals but have I? No. I could have made something tonight for instance, but instead I opted for pizza. I guess that's okay though, because I didn't have a real lunch. . .just a protein bar and diet moutain dew. Yay.

I think I was a little frustrated because everyone I worked with today is seemingly obsessed with talking about how much and what they eat. It gets so TIRING after awhile. One of them asked if I thought eating a small grilled chicken sandwich from D'Angelos was "too much." Of course I said "no," because it's NOT but I had half a mind to be like "please, you don't even KNOW what it's like to eat 'too much.'" Eating too much is finishing whole bags of nachos and jars of salsa at a time, then having 2 packets of Ramen noodles or Easy Mac, then a whole container of applesauce, some pudding cups and *still* going out for donuts. Too much is eating whole boxes of cereal at a time. Too much is eating so many cookies before bed you feel hungover the next morning. I don't think I need to go on.

It just sucks having to listen to other people bitch about this all the time because I wish I could be honest about what I've gone through, but I can't. All I can say, and sometimes I do, is that it really is much easier and much more sensible to eat what you want, mostly healthy food but some junk too, and try not to worry about it. The idea of it is more daunting than anything.

But I digress. Don't even know where I'm going with this, just felt like venting. I will try, really try to get myself back on track this weekend, if anything because eating better might help me feel better.

Well, back to reading War and Peace. Tomorrow I might actually go to CT and find out what happened to my saddle. . .

1 comment:

  1. *SLAP*... That is to those who believe a small grilled chicken sandwich is "too much". NEWS FLASH, eating TOO LITTLE will make you "fatter" than eating more, (granted you're at or slightly above a healthy weight) because it slows your metabolism. If you eat small amounts, but are still getting enough calories, fine. But eating like a bird and worrying about it is not going to make you any skinnier/healthier etc. Sorry, nutrition-major rant.

    This is why I am NOT going to be a dietitian. I can't stand people who obsess, yet are completely uninformed and don't even bother to become informed. Then go around asking people for assurance that what they're doing is the right thing to do, and refuse to believe the answer they receive because it's not what they want to hear.
    They all need to go to Europe. It actually took leaving this country to make me realize that eating is not only for health, but for pleasure and YES I fully agree that it is better to eat mostly healthy, and have treats every now and again (I eat chocolate every day!) because otherwise, we'd all go insane. It's all about balance.
    I started my blog to share with others my ridiculous story about being a naturally skinny child, then a fat kid because of too much crap, then a too-skinny obsessive runner with occasional binge eating tendencies (yea, eat 4,000 calories at once and then ask me if you ate too much. been there), weighing as much as a 12 year old then gaining 10 pounds on a vegan diet, leaving the country, gaining 7 more pounds, eating meat again and FINALLY (thank god) being at a place where I am healthy, happy and balanced.

    Don't worry about not eating veggies for a couple of days. We all have our off days, weeks, even me- who shows her every bite to the entire internet. I once realized I ate no fruit and no dairy at all for two days straight. Bad nutritionist.
    And eating healthier WILL make you feel better, I promise. Do you need new recipes? I have lots of new recipes. Health ayurvedic recipes. Or I can give you healthy muffins. They're a good excuse to eat a muffin and they're full of fruit, nuts and whole grains. Healthy and tasty. (Why I'm going to culinary school...)

    ...and I wrote a book.
    Have a good weekend Erica!
