Friday, January 16, 2009

Kick Me in the Ass Please

Here's the deal.

Travis' aunt and uncle were kind enough to give us an $80 gift card for All That Matters. I had been wanting to take yoga classes again anyway, but couldn't afford it with horseback riding, so I was pretty glad. I figured I'd use part of it towards a series and Travis could use the other part. But someone I know let me go ahead and use the whole thing, so I bought a Yoga Pass, so I can take whatever 10 classes over the next few weeks. Sweet. But I would really like to supplement those by practicing at home.

When we had the apartment last year, it was easy. There was enough space in front of the hamster cage to do what I needed to do, as well as a bit of wall that was useful for Legs-Up-The-Wall pose and the couch for practicing a modified Plow. But now I think I'd have to use either the laundry room (that's where I'm typing this from), which isn't a very conductive atmosphere, or the upstairs living room, which I don't think is quite large enough. I don't know. That's my first excuse.

My second excuse is that I've already got a set morning routine. When I'm not working in the morning I wake up, eat breakfast and have coffee. I sit at my computer and do some crossword puzzles on Yahoo! and read several web sites and forums to see what's new. Then I'll take a shower, get dressed for the day ahead and usually head out somewhere. Or I'll stay in the bedroom and read. Or I'll play World of Warcraft. I'm very big on routines and I rarely change my habits unless I literally cannot do otherwise. That's how I've given up everything I've given up. . .because I just couldn't do whatever without their being some kind of weird/bad consequences.

Right now I feel that the only plus to doing yoga every day, by myself, is that I'll be better prepared for the classes. I swear horseback riding uses every OPPOSITE muscle, because I'm much better at riding than a few months ago, but can't stretch worth anything. I don't know. I feel like my routine grounds me and I'm already pretty relaxed and better in tune with myself, so although the *idea* of daily yoga sounds nice, I don't know how to motivate myself to do it.

Other bits:

-I went to Trader Joe's for the first time ever a few days ago and OH MY GOD I have another favorite store! I just looked around, but I want to head back there this weekend to actually shop. That place looks dangerous!

-I seem to be throwing out bad karma all over the place lately. I had my first real road rage incident in forever just the other night (I cannot STAND when people pass me on 2 lane roads when I'm already going well over the speed limit. Just thinking about it makes me SO ANGRY V_V) and yesterday I found myself just actively avoiding customers all day and being annoyed when someone would bother me. I guess that's not too weird, but I've been trying not to be that way.

Nah, I guess that's it for now.


  1. I understand the routine thing- I do the same thing, every. single. day. unless I HAVE to change my routine!

    You know what I think? We need to clear out the back room at work and use it as a yoga studio, just so we can destress between crazy customers.

    Oh, and I WANT TO GO TO TRADER JOES! I haven't been yet, so if you go I want you to tell me all about it when I see you!!

  2. :O Road Rage Erica! Watch out! She'll be Yoga-ing all over you until you die! :D Although I'm not sure what that means yet...

  3. Hey my mom finally got Wii Fit! Although all I did was the intro BMI stuff I think it looks great! Why not use that more often?
