Saturday, June 13, 2009

Send Me Back to Kripalu!

Hello, everyone! Yeah, I'm back. Kinda wish I wasn't. :p

Travis and I had a good, relaxing time, as expected. It only really rained on our first day and at night, otherwise it was just overcast and kind of cool, but we still got to do some outside things.

Some highlights:

-cooking demo the first night. got a recipe for some awesome pad thai and picked up some other new cooking ideas. I think next time I am going to kidnap the head chef and make him my personal cook. :p haha

-the food. it's just great. i wasn't disappointed by anything I had, and some of the dishes were positively to die for (the whipped yams. . .::drool::)

-my lovely, lovely red rooibos tea. I got the web address for where they get it from and I am DEFINITELY getting some before the weather turns colder this year. I don't even like tea this much, but it is the best one ever.

-got my ayurvedic consultation done and learned that I am Pitta-Vata, not mostly Vata like I had thought (though I *used* to be much more vata, so i wasn't totally off). I learned more about what I should eat more of and what I should avoid and some other recommendations, including an herb to try taking when my stomach starts acting up. It was very interesting and I'm glad I got it done.

-watching travis feed peanuts to the super friendly chipmunks and birds. feels like you're in a Disney movie, lol.

-we finally got another *good* picture of the two of us, and on our 3 year anniversary (6/10).

-walking the labrynth again. I *may* have left a wish/hope for this year just like I did last time. It worked then, maybe it will work this year too. ^__^

-attended a kirtan, which is basically chanting, accompanied by music. Sometimes they got a little repetitious (like 13 minutes of "Ganesha somethingsomething, somethingsomething Ganesha) but overall it was fun and a new experience.

-Speaking of, neither Travis nor I are Hindu at all, but Ganesha was like, the overall theme of the week. He seemed to pop up *everywhere* and I even ended up buying a shirt with him on it, lol.

-MC Yogi. Perhaps the only thing closest to rap that I will listen to. Certainly not your typical yoga music!

-We did not go kayaking as I had kinda hoped, not cuz of the weather but because we were too exhausted from a 5 mile hike that morning! It was not the easiest hike in the world, so it kinda killed Travis and I actually took a nap when we got back to the room, lol. At the top of the mountain though was a really nice view fo the town below, and of course, the other mountains.

-The last workshop we attended was a chakra meditation that could be used to help spark creativity. It was pretty cool and maybe something to try at least a mini version of before I attempt to write from now on.

Well, that's certainly not everything, but I would say that it was another successful Kripalu trip and again, if you're open to those types of things, totally recommend you go. Even a weekend would be a good length of time away. It's just nice to be somewhere where you don't HAVE to do anything and you can run around barefoot all day if you want. :p

We have pictures, but they are all on Travis' camera, so you will just have to wait.

PS-- still considering starting a new, slightly different blog. If I get tomorrow off (or Monday) I may start it then. Of course I will keep you updated. <(^-^)>

1 comment:

  1. Oh my, you need to make me pad thai!!! haha

    Sounds like you had lots of fun, I want to go even more now!!
