Sunday, March 29, 2009


I'm addicted to stuffed sheep.

First was Sheepy, who currently graces my icon picture over there. Then Travis bought me Wooly, a slightly smaller sheep and then the other day at Target they had even *smaller* stuffed sheep, so of course I had to buy one because they were too fricken cute. Its name might just be Baby because it's small and adorable, haha.

Um, anyway. . .lol.

Travis and I might go see real baby sheep at the URI farm today. It's raining out, so hopefully they'll all be in the barn. It's pretty much a tradition for me to stop by and see the lambs once a year or so. Livestock makes me happy. ^__^

Things have been going alright. I've gotten a few runs in and my stamina is coming back nicely. I'm not making any particular goals for myself this year (like all the past years I tried "training" for a 5k. . .never quite happened, lol), just to keep running at least a few times a week. I think I am even going to go buy a new pair of running sneakers on Tuesday because the ones I've been using are *years* old and quite dead by now. I gotta do some research first though, because I want a pair that's good on roads *and* trails, since I enjoy both types of running.

Also this Tuesday. . .I really gotta decide what I want to do regarding riding more than once a week. It's an absolute fact that I can't afford 2 lessons outright, but as there's already quite a few people that work off some of their board/lesson fees, I don't know if they'd be open to one more. All I know is that riding once a week is not enough. I'd be there every day if I could, lol. Oi, maybe I need to start playing Powerball. :p

That's all for now. See most of you soon, I'm sure.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


I'm in a mostly better place.

Actually, I just came back from a run. I was only gone 20 minutes, but I practically ran the entire time which is pretty good for only my second time out this year! I think tomorrow, on my day off, I'm going to go to run on the trail that starts at the Kingston Train Station. hopefully there won't be any dead, mutilated half-bird half-mammal things this time. :/ heh

It's funny that I like running now, because I used to hate it. Back in middle and elementary school I DREADED the mile run. I'd usually just walk most of it cuz I am capable of some pretty fast speed walking. I started running because I wanted to during my freshman year of college. Since I had never been good at running, I felt that improving my ability to do so was an attainable challenge. Since then, I've gone through phases of running frequently or then not at all for long stretches. . .usually starting when it gets cold outside. I thought about joining a gym, so I could at least use indoor cardio machines but when it comes down to putting money towards horses or putting money towards running. . .well, you can guess what wins, haha.

Oh, I finally set up my schedule for the Fall Semester. It looks like this:

4-6:45 LSC 503 - Collection Management
7-9:45 LSC 502 - Management of Library and Information Services

6:30-9:15 LSC 504 - Reference and Information Services

So guess who's definitely not working Mondays or Tuesdays anymore starting in September. HELL NO am I working in the morning and then being in class til almost 10pm. I already told Wayne cuz I don't even want to HEAR a fuss about this as the fall draws nearer. >_<

Well, that's all for now. Just wanted to write a little entry to tide everyone over. And now, WoW until it's time to go to work. :p

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Sorry I've not been around. Well, not posting-wise anyway.

1) I've been busy

2) My mind's been racing, which means I can't concentrate well enough to write a decent entry. Yay Wow. At least it's a good excuse for playing.

3) Or, alternately, I've been depressed, in which case it's also impossible to write. This is when I can get a lot of reading done.

But I realized the other day that I must have forgotten to take my meds a LOT last month because I got them filled on Feb. 19, and I'm only supposed to get a month's worth at a time. . .but here it is, March 24th, and I've got a boatload of pills left.

I'm still not feeling *great*, but at least I've accomplished everything I've needed to do thusfar this week. I can tell all's not 100% right with me today though. . .all I really have to do is go grocery shopping at Whole Foods and go horseback riding later today and I'm positively not wanting to do either of those things. Seriously, that isn't right, lol. So I'm trying to make a deal with myself that I can putter around here til 11 but then I absoltely must get my ass in the car and headed to Cranston. Usually if I give myself small ultimatums like that I can get things done one step at a time. Sucks though.

Well, if I'm feeling better later today, after horseback riding and all else I will maybe be able to write a real entry. No promises though.

Hope you all have a good day!

Friday, March 13, 2009

It Pokes Its Evil Head In And Says

"I'm still here."

It crawls up from my stomach, towards my brain. My mind is what it seeks.

"Working tonight? Perfect."

There's no reasoning with it.

"Too bad, feeling," I try to tell it. "You might not be here by then. I'll be too busy, you'll go away. And why are you here in the first place? I did everything I set out to do this week and I can't think of anything that's going wrong right now. And I plan on having a good dinner tonight, leftover bean soup from yesterday and a whole grain roll. What's your deal?"

"There doesn't have to be a reason," is its reply, and it sends a jolt of adrenaline through my innards as a reminder.

I can only hope this feeling goes away by tonight. Like I've said, sometimes being at work helps improve my mood, and although this isn't exactly a mood problem, maybe it'll help get my mind away from its current train of thought.

You know, sometimes in Buddhism unwholesome states of mind are referred to as "fetters" because they really can act like chains, holding us to harmful thought patterns and actions. Although they recommend dissapating such states through diverting attention, cultivating the opposite quality and reasoning, if all else fails, it's recommended that you "crush" the fetter with all your might. In the words of the Buddha, it's to be "like a strong man might crush a weaker man." (Gunaratana 170) If gritting one's teeth and thinking sharply, "NO!" is what works, then so be it.

So yeah, bad feelings, if you don't go away peacefully I might have to get forceful. We'll see. >_<

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Here's What I Ate Today

because you care.

For breakfast I had my usual coffee and then I made a recipe from one of my favorite mags, Clean Eating. . .Pumpkin Pie Oatmeal! It was pretty tasty and very filling. I had it around 9am and it held me over nicely til 12:30. Sweet.

Between going to Whole Foods and lunch, I had a bottle of Sublime Mate and a handful of Annie's Chocolate Chip Bunny graham crackers.

For lunch I had a big lettuce salad with shrimp, avocado and a little bit of sesame oil. Sounds weird, but it tasted good. I was basing this off another recipe I have, but lacked some of the ingredients. . .hence, improvisation, haha.

When I got home from riding I needed a pick-me-up (Dandy was NOT a good boy today) so I had a whole wheat bagel with Nutella and peanut butter. Choice of champions!

Finally, for dinner I had another improvised recipe. . .sauteed tempeh, spinach and yellow squash with olive oil, tamari, chopped garlic and black pepper. I wrapped it all up in 2 whole wheat tortillas and it was quite good, if I say so myself. For dessert later I'll probably have some 0% fat greek yogurt with stuff in it. I pretty much throw together whatever I have to make something edible, lol.

Okay, now off to get my WoW character to level 30 so I can FINALLY get a mount!

Will Write Later

I promise, I've just got some things to do today.

Had to run to Whole Foods for a few items, then I came back home to have lunch and rest for a bit. Then I have to head out around 2, go to the bank, work for my schedule and then I have another riding lesson on Dandy. If you have not seen my pictures yet, get thee to Facebook! They came out well, for the most part. Some pictures (which were NOT posted) were downright bad but what can you expect when you're riding a green horse? He's not picture perfect all the time like the $200,000 horses I rode in Virginia.

Stay tuned!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Calm Before the Storm, Maybe

I know I never wrote about what happened at my Mom's tarot card party, but so far the things the lady predicted have been right. She said I'd receive some important documents within the following two weeks, and I did-- I got my grad school acceptance letter. She said that something I'd have to fill out paperwork wise might seem complicated, to make sure that everything was filled out correctly-- hello, FAFSA. And there were quite a few other things she said about myself in general that were true, eerily so for someone that didn't even know me at all.

But one other thing she said was that I'd be facing a situation later this year that would seem overwhelming and leave me questioning if what I was doing was the right thing and maybe even thinking of backing down. Also, it would have something to do with the number 9-- the 9th of something. Think about this. When does school start? September. September is the 9th month of the year.

I can tell you that I've already begun feeling overwhelmed. I spent some time on the GSLIS website yesterday and I feel like there's just so much to do. Nevermind just classes, there are student associations to join, professional associations to be involved with, potential to do Professional Field Experience (which requires a LOT of preparation), etc. etc. I can feel myself already starting to pull back at the mere thought of it all. And then I start worrying about more mundane things, like whether I'll have to call my advisor or if email will be okay, if she'll still be on sabbatical, meaning I'll have to start with someone else, if she'll be nice or a bitch like my original history advisor (ahem). Just so many worries. I can totally picture myself being overwhelmed come September, wondering if I made the right choice or if I again f'ed up planning for my future.

I just know I'm going to need some extra support as the time gets nearer, probably in the form of more medication and maybe some counceling. I don't know yet.

In other news. . .so I figured out that sitting meditation and I do not go together, haha. This is not much of a surprise. Actually, it's not so bad if I give myself something to meditate on, like the impermanence of the body for example. This is a perfectly legit way of meditating, so I'm not "cheating" or anything. If I just concentrate on the breath, forget it, my mind is in a billion different places. The only time I can do that type of meditation, it seems, is at the end of yoga class during savassana. Maybe it's because by thenI've already expended enough energy that my mind is happy to settle on something so basic!

I had a good ride on Dandy yesterday and Travis was there taking pictures, so I'll be posting those on Facebook soon. ;) He's such a little booger, but I love him. I'd take him home in a heartbeat, haha.

Well, that's all for the moment. I'm working tonight 3-9 and then in the morning, 8-4 I think so I probably won't write again til Tuesday. ~_~

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Maybe I was wrong. Maybe "not being angry" will not be the hardest precept to uphold. Maybe that of non-harming is the most difficult.

For although this precept certainly refers to obvious things like murder or physically hurting other people and living things, oneself is also included in the equation. Furthermore, non-harming does not just encompass physical aspects, but mental and emotional aspects, too. See, one of the other main ideas of Buddhism is the interconnectedness of everything-- there is no separate "Self." So in a way, hurting oneself also negatively effects others. Makes sense if you think about it.

I have a hard time dealing with this in many forms. Thanks to an abundance of candy and chocolate everywhere lately, I've definitely been snacking on junk more often than I think I should. I have a lot of healthy eating magazines and books with good meal plans for those times when I'm really lost, but I'll read them and think "too much work, I'm not worthy," which ultimately leads to more junk food and more bad feelings. Then a few days ago I had my first "slip" in awhile, if you will, and that brought a whole host of physical problems rushing right back, which have been making daily life more painful and annoying.

I know a part of the problem is that my brain is not willing to give up the identity that comes with having that problem yet. It's like an icy hand occasionally grabs all my insides and says "Yo, I'm still here."

So it's obvious that those bad habits hurt myself in a multitude of ways. How do they hurt others? Well, I know for certain that I crawl more into myself and become more introverted and less patient because I don't feel well. That makes me less pleasant to be around. I also have to be a bit secretive which is not good, because I like being generally honest. And I know it hurts Travis because he has been here through the bad times and I know he doesn't want a slip to turn into that again.

But I also think harming myself has an effect on a bigger scale, thanks to that whole interconnected thing. Think of all the people and animals that had a hand in the creation and distribution of that food to you. Think of the fact that your ancestors, parents and even future children are all a part of you right now. Would you treat any of them in the same way? Would you want them to treat themselves that way? Probably not.

Remember, I'm not even asking you to agree with me. This is my point of view. I'm not trying to stuff anything down your throat. This is just one way of looking at things.

And I decided last year that I do not want to be that type of person anymore. I would rather be a role model, a good example than just another one of the masses. I can do this by going back to mindfulness of the present moment. So yeah, I messed up-- that was a few days ago. That moment is over and done with; it is not now. Dwelling is a form of grasping, which as I mentioned before, leads to suffering. In the present moment, all is generally okay. And if I am not happy now, then when? This makes it easier to be compassionate or just plain nicer to people-- non-harming the self, non-harming others. The desire will not even be there.

Yeah, I've got more to say, but it's almost time for work. Woohoo, hah.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Ango Challenge!

I don't always pick up Tricycle magazine because it's a bit pricey, but when I was in Barnes and Noble the other day, I felt compelled to. More succinctly, I felt compelled by the headline: The Big Sit: Tricycle's 90-Day Meditation Challenge.

Sitting meditation is just not my thing. Yeah, I have a lazy streak, but I don't like just sitting around doing nothing. Walking meditation-- that's more like it. But I've always kind of questioned the need to meditate at all. Why not just incorporate mindfulness and the precepts into one's everyday life? Afterall, should at least part of the point of following any religion be that it helps you improve your day to day life? I guess I have always felt that as long as that's true, a meditation practice is superfluous.

But you know me, and I am sometimes drawn to things I don't think I can do. Being confronted with a 90 Day Meditation Challenge sounded like one of those things for sure, haha.

From today (March 2nd) until May 30th, here's what I'll be doing:

-sitting meditation 20 minutes daily (I may start with only 10 minutes for the first few days to ease myself into it)
-listening to one dharma talk each week (Week One's is here)
-studying Dogen's Genjokoan
-committing to the 16 bodhisattva precepts*
-forcing myself to post on the Tricycle community boards, as taking part in a community is supposed to be part of this. yeah.

So I think this is what I'm going to be blogging about. If I get through the 90 days, this might just be a modern miracle, haha.

And with that, I'm going to play some MahJong!

*The 16 Precepts:

The first 3 are also known as the "3 Refuges" or sometimes the 3 Jewels. These verses describe them simply:

I take refuge in the Buddha,
the one who shows me the way in this life.

I take refuge in the Dharma,
the way of understanding and love.

I take refuge in the Sangha,
the community that lives in harmony and awareness. (p 161, Heart of the Buddha's Teaching)

The 3 Pure Precepts:

-Ceasing from evil
-Doing good
-Doing good for others

and the Ten Grave Precepts:

-Not misusing sex
-Not telling lies
-Not using intoxicants/deluding the mind (no more raspberry coladas :( hah)
-Not talking about other's errors and faults
-Not elevating oneself and blaming others
-Not being stingy
-Not being angry (this will be the hardest one)
-Not speaking ill of the 3 Treasures/Refuges/Jewels

I'm sure I'll be discussing these within the next 90 days. . .